our approach
At GREENIPATH, our relentless dedication is directed towards supporting exemplary environmental initiatives. We adeptly and seamlessly guide Project Developers / Owners through the entire project lifecycle – from the meticulous analysis of the project potential at the Voluntary Carbon Market to the strategic monetisation of issued certificates. In our engagement with projects, our prime aim is to foster enduring and mutually beneficial alliances. Our tailored approach, coupled with a deep understanding of market complex landscape, empowers Project Developers / Owners to optimise their environmental impact while navigating the intricacies of carbon credit monetisation, making us a trusted partner for those committed to saving our Planet.

Expert alliance on the pathway of Carbon, Plastic, Energy Attribute Certificates and Upstream Emission Reductions project development.
Expert guidance in verification, certification and issuance of Carbon and Plastic Credits, Energy Attribute Certificates and Upstream Emission Reductions.

Assistance in securing early-stage funding through Multi-Year-Offtake Agreements and monetisation via GREENIPATH’s highly experienced global team of traders.
Early-stage funding arrangement with GREENIPATH’s wide network of investors.

monitoring and reporting
Monitoring, verification and reporting throughout the project’s lifecycle to ensure that project performance is maintained at the level of global standards and accurately communicated to stakeholders.
certificates types
Wide scope devolvement of environmental instruments such as Verra VCS, Gold Standard, GCC, UNFCCC CDM, ACR, CAR, ICR, I-RECs, TIGRs, GoOs, REGOs, LGCs, GEC and UER.